
805 B

game protocol

This is the definition for all of the messages to be sent between client and server to do all the actions.

  • Action
    • login
      • logs the user in
      • broadcast to all other clients that user logged in
      • schema
        • username: string
        • appearance: string
        • x_pos: float
        • y_pos: float
    • logout
      • logs the user out
      • broadcast to all other connected clients that user has logged out
      • schema
        • username: string
    • move
      • send to server
      • server sends movement to all connected clients for that user
      • schema
        • username: string
        • x_pos: float
        • y_pos: float
    • chat
      • send message to server
      • chat broadcast to all other connected clients
      • schema
        • username: string
        • message: string