102 lines
2.6 KiB
102 lines
2.6 KiB
class Vector3 {
constructor(init = {}, ptr = undefined) {
this._size = 12;
this._ptr = ptr.buffer || new ArrayBuffer(this._size);
this._data = new DataView(this._ptr);
for (const i of Object.keys(init)) {
this[i] = init[i];
get x() {
return this._data.getFloat32(0, true);
get y() {
return this._data.getFloat32(4, true);
get z() {
return this._data.getFloat32(8, true);
set x(v) {
this._data.setFloat32(0, v, true);
set y(v) {
this._data.setFloat32(4, v, true);
set z(v) {
this._data.setFloat32(8, v, true);
get bytes() {
return new Uint8Array(this._ptr);
class Camera3D {
constructor(init = {}, ptr = undefined) {
this._size = 44;
this._ptr = ptr.buffer || new ArrayBuffer(this._size);
this._data = new DataView(this._ptr);
for (const i of Object.keys(init)) {
this[i] = init[i];
get position() {
return new Vector3({}, new Uint8Array(this._ptr.slice(0, 12)));
get target() {
return new Vector3({}, new Uint8Array(this._ptr.slice(12, 24)));
get up() {
return new Vector3({}, new Uint8Array(this._ptr.slice(24, 36)));
get fovy() {
return this._data.getFloat32(36, true);
get projection() {
return this._data.getInt32(40, true);
set position(v) {
this._data.set(v.bytes(), 0);
set target(v) {
this._data.set(v.bytes(), 12);
set up(v) {
this._data.set(v.bytes(), 24);
set fovy(v) {
return this._data.setFloat32(36, v, true);
set projection(v) {
return this._data.setInt32(40, v, true);
get bytes() {
return new Uint8Array(this._ptr);
var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
var port = 8089;
var ws = require("ws");
var wss = new ws.WebSocketServer({ port: port });
console.log("WebSocket server listening on ws://localhost:" + port + "/");
wss.on("connection", function (ws) {
console.log("Client connected!");
ws.on("message", function (message, isBinary) {
if (!isBinary) {
var text = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(message).buffer);
console.log("received TEXT: " + text.length + " characters:");
console.log(' "' + text + '"');
} else {
const camera = new Camera3D({}, new Uint8Array(message));
console.log(camera.position.x, camera.position.y, camera.position.z);
console.log(camera.target.x, camera.target.y, camera.target.z);
console.log(camera.up.x, camera.up.y, camera.up.z);
ws.send(camera.bytes, { binary: true }); // Echo back the received message