const server = Bun.serve<{ username: string }>({ fetch(req, server) { const url = new URL(req.url); if (url.pathname === "/chat") { console.log(`upgrade!`); const username = req.text; const success = server.upgrade(req, { data: { username } }); return success ? undefined : new Response("WebSocket upgrade error", { status: 400 }); } return new Response("Hello world"); }, websocket: { open(ws) { const msg = `${} has entered the chat`; ws.subscribe("the-group-chat"); server.publish("the-group-chat", msg); }, message(ws, message) { // this is a group chat // so the server re-broadcasts incoming message to everyone server.publish("the-group-chat", `${}: ${message}`); }, close(ws) { const msg = `${} has left the chat`; ws.unsubscribe("the-group-chat"); server.publish("the-group-chat", msg); }, }, }); console.log(`Listening on ${server.hostname}:${server.port}`);