/** * @typedef {Object} Item Item * @property {string} Name Name of the item * @property {Int32} i32 Default starting value of the item */ class Item { /** * Name of the item * @return {string} gets the value of Name */ get Name() { return this._decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(this._ptr.slice(0, 24))); } /** * Name of the item * @param {string} v sets the value of Name */ set Name(v) { if (v.length > 24) { throw new Error("input is larger than buffer size of 24"); } const tmp = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(24)); tmp.set(this._encoder.encode(v)) this._ptr.set(tmp.buffer, 0); } /** * Default starting value of the item * @return {Int32} gets the value of BaseValue */ get BaseValue() { return this._data.getInt32(24, true); } /** * Default starting value of the item * @param {Int32} sets the value of BaseValue */ set BaseValue(v) { return this._data.setInt32(24, v, true); } /** * Constructs a new Item * * @param {{Name: string, BaseValue: Int32, }} init The arguments to construct the object. * @param {Uint8Array} ptr The pointer to the C struct. */ constructor(init = {}, ptr = undefined) { this._size = 28; this._ptr = ptr || new Uint8Array(this._size); this._data = new DataView(this._ptr.buffer); this._encoder = new TextEncoder(); this._decoder = new TextDecoder(); for (const key of Object.keys(init)) { this[key] = init[key]; } } } export default Item