# This makefile has been tested on # computer: MacBook Pro 2013 # OS: MacOS X 10.3.5 # compiler: gfortran (GNU Fortran (Homebrew gcc 6.1.0) 6.1.0) # OpenGL: OpenGL 1.3.3, Glut 3.2.7, f90gl 1.2.9 #------------- User configuration parameters --------------- # modify these for your system # the directories containing the OpenGL libraries, f90gl libraries, GLUT # libraries, and f90gl GLUT libraries OGLLIBDIR = -L./lib # the directory containing the X11 libraries X11LIBDIR = # the fortran 90 libraries for OpenGL, including GLUT, GLU and OpenGL F90GLUTLIB = -lf90glut -lf90GLU -lf90GL # the X11 libraries #X11LIB = -Wl,-framework -Wl,GLUT -Wl,-framework -Wl,OpenGL -Wl,-framework -Wl,Cocoa X11LIB = -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa # the f90 compiler flag for specifying the location of MOD files MODS = -I./include/GL # fortran 90 compiler and compiler flags F90 = gfortran F90FLAGS = -O -fno-range-check # fortran 90 compiler flag for fixed source form FFIXED = -fixed #----------- end of user configuration parameters ------------ all: raygl old: raygl.OLD.f90 $(F90) $(F90FLAGS) -o old $(MODS) raygl.OLD.f90 \ $(OGLLIBDIR) $(F90GLUTLIB) $(X11LIBDIR) $(X11LIB) raygl: raygl.f90 $(F90) $(F90FLAGS) -o raygl $(MODS) raygl.f90 \ $(OGLLIBDIR) $(F90GLUTLIB) $(X11LIBDIR) $(X11LIB) clean: rm -f *.o *.mod raygl