fixed client so that the user can update themselves!
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ program main
use iso_c_binding
use iso_c_binding
use raylib
use raylib
use player_mod
use player_mod
use json_module
implicit none
implicit none
integer(c_int) :: screen_width = 800
integer(c_int) :: screen_width = 800
@ -11,10 +12,11 @@ program main
type(camera3d), target :: camera
type(camera3d), target :: camera
type(player) :: me
type(player) :: me
type(player), dimension(:), allocatable :: players
type(player), dimension(:), allocatable :: players
character(len=24):: username
character(len=24) :: username
character(len=24):: password
character(len=24) :: password
integer :: i, status
integer :: i, status
logical :: player_updated, exist
logical :: player_updated, exist
real(c_double) :: time
inquire (file="debug.log", exist=exist)
inquire (file="debug.log", exist=exist)
if (exist) then
if (exist) then
@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ program main
call getarg(1, username)
call getarg(1, username)
call getarg(2, password)
call getarg(2, password)
me = player(username, vector3( 0.0_c_float, 1.0_c_float, 2.0_c_float ), PURPLE)
me = player(username, vector3(0.0_c_float, 1.0_c_float, 2.0_c_float), PURPLE)
players = me%login(password)
players = me%login(password)
camera%position = vector3(0.0_c_float, 10.0_c_float, 10.0_c_float) !Camera position
camera%position = vector3(0.0_c_float, 10.0_c_float, 10.0_c_float) !Camera position
@ -57,11 +59,14 @@ program main
call me%sync_camera(camera)
call me%sync_camera(camera)
time = get_time()
if (modulo(time, 1.0) .ge. 0.98_c_double) then
if (player_updated) then
if (player_updated) then
players = me%move()
players = me%move()
players = me%ping()
players = me%ping()
end if
end if
end if
call begin_drawing()
call begin_drawing()
call clear_background(RAYWHITE)
call clear_background(RAYWHITE)
@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ program main
call draw_grid(30_c_int, 1.0_c_float)
call draw_grid(30_c_int, 1.0_c_float)
call draw_cube(me%position, 0.5_c_float, 0.5_c_float, 0.5_c_float, me%apperance)
call draw_cube(me%position, 0.5_c_float, 0.5_c_float, 0.5_c_float, me%apperance)
do i=1,size(players)
do i = 1, size(players)
call draw_cube(players(i)%position, 0.5_c_float, 0.5_c_float, 0.5_c_float, players(i)%apperance)
call draw_cube(players(i)%position, 0.5_c_float, 0.5_c_float, 0.5_c_float, players(i)%apperance)
end do
end do
call end_mode_3d()
call end_mode_3d()
@ -81,9 +86,9 @@ program main
players = me%logout()
players = me%logout()
if (allocated(players)) then
if (allocated(players)) then
deallocate (players)
end if
end if
call close_window() !Close window and OpenGL context
call close_window() !Close window and OpenGL context
close (12)
end program main
end program main
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ module player_mod
use raylib
use raylib
use json_module
use json_module
use mod_dill, only: ipaddr, ipaddr_remote, IPADDR_IPV4, mrecv, msend, tcp_connect, &
use mod_dill, only: ipaddr, ipaddr_remote, IPADDR_IPV4, mrecv, msend, tcp_connect, &
suffix_attach, tcp_close, suffix_detach
implicit none
implicit none
type player
type player
character(len=24):: username
character(len=:), allocatable :: username
type(vector3) :: position
type(vector3) :: position
type(color) :: apperance
type(color) :: apperance
@ -21,12 +21,10 @@ module player_mod
type(player) function init_player(username, position, apperance, fifo_write, fifo_read) result(this)
type(player) function init_player(username, position, apperance) result(this)
character(24) :: username
character(24) :: username
type(vector3) :: position
type(vector3) :: position
type(color) :: apperance
type(color) :: apperance
integer :: fifo_write
integer :: fifo_read
this%username = username
this%username = username
this%position = position
this%position = position
@ -80,69 +78,83 @@ contains
class(player) :: this
class(player) :: this
type(player), dimension(:), allocatable :: players
type(player), dimension(:), allocatable :: players
integer :: request_type
integer :: request_type
character(len=24) :: username
character(len=:), allocatable :: username
character(len=:), allocatable :: local_username
integer :: apperance_r, apperance_g, apperance_b, i, count
integer :: apperance_r, apperance_g, apperance_b, i, count
real(c_float) :: x_pos, y_pos
real(real64) :: x_pos, y_pos
integer(c_size_t) :: message_size, msglen = 1024
character(c_char) :: message(1024) = ''
character(len=256) :: f_message
type(json_value), pointer :: root, user, recv_users
type(json_core) :: json
character(len=:), allocatable :: str
character(len=1024) :: jsn_string
character(len=10) :: istr
logical :: found
integer(c_int) :: rc, connection
integer(c_int) :: rc, connection
integer(c_size_t) :: message_size, msglen = 256
type(ipaddr) :: addr
type(ipaddr) :: addr
character(c_char) :: message(256) = ''
character(len=256) :: f_message
character(len=*), parameter :: TCP_SUFFIX = c_carriage_return//c_new_line//c_null_char
character(len=*), parameter :: TCP_SUFFIX = c_carriage_return//c_new_line//c_null_char
type(json_value), pointer :: root, user
type(json_file) :: json
character(len=:), allocatable :: str
character(len=255) :: jsn_string
character(len=10) :: i_str
logical :: found
rc = ipaddr_remote(addr, ''//c_null_char, 5555_c_int, IPADDR_IPV4, -1_c_int64_t)
rc = ipaddr_remote(addr, ''//c_null_char, 5555_c_int, IPADDR_IPV4, -1_c_int64_t)
connection = tcp_connect(addr, -1_c_int64_t)
connection = tcp_connect(addr, -1_c_int64_t)
connection = suffix_attach(connection, TCP_SUFFIX, 2_c_size_t)
call json%initialize()
call json%initialize(path_mode=2)
call json%create_object(root, '')
call json%create_object(root, '')
call json%create_object(user, 'user')
call json%create_object(user, 'user')
call json%add(user, 'username', this%username)
local_username = this%username(:Len_Trim(this%username))
call json%add(user, 'username', local_username)
call json%add(user, 'x_pos', this%position%x)
call json%add(user, 'x_pos', this%position%x)
call json%add(user, 'y_pos', this%position%y)
call json%add(user, 'y_pos', this%position%z)
call json%add(user, 'command', request_type)
call json%add(user, 'command', request_type)
call json%add(root, user)
call json%add(root, user)
call json%serialize(root, str)
call json%serialize(root, str)
call json%print(root)
connection = suffix_attach(connection, TCP_SUFFIX, 2_c_size_t)
rc = msend(connection, f_c_string(str, .true.), &
rc = msend(connection, f_c_string(str, .true.), &
transfer(Len_Trim(f_c_string(str, .true.)), 0_c_size_t), -1_c_int64_t)
transfer(Len_Trim(str) + 1, 0_c_size_t), -1_c_int64_t)
call json%destroy()
connection = suffix_detach(connection, -1_c_size_t)
connection = suffix_attach(connection, TCP_SUFFIX, 2_c_size_t)
call json%initialize()
message_size = mrecv(connection, message, msglen, -1_c_int64_t)
message_size = mrecv(connection, message, msglen, -1_c_int64_t)
print *, 'recv message: ', message
print *, 'message=', message
call c_f_string(message, jsn_string)
call c_f_string(message, jsn_string)
call json%deserialize(jsn_string(:Len_Trim(jsn_string)))
call json%info('/users', n_children=count)
call json%deserialize(recv_users, jsn_string(:Len_Trim(jsn_string)))
print *, count
call json%info(recv_users, '/users', n_children=count)
if (allocated(players)) then
deallocate (players)
end if
if (count > 0) then
do i = 0, count - 1
do i = 0, count - 1
write (i_str, fmt='(I10)') i
write (istr, fmt='(I10)') i
i_str = adjustl(i_str)
istr = adjustl(istr)
call json%get("/users/"//istr//"/apperance_r", apperance_r, found)
call json%get(recv_users, "/users/"//istr//"/apperance_r", apperance_r, found)
if (.not. found) stop 1
if (.not. found) stop 1
call json%get("/users/"//istr//"/apperance_g", apperance_g, found)
call json%get(recv_users, "/users/"//istr//"/apperance_g", apperance_g, found)
if (.not. found) stop 1
if (.not. found) stop 1
call json%get("/users/"//istr//"/apperance_b", apperance_b, found)
call json%get(recv_users, "/users/"//istr//"/apperance_b", apperance_b, found)
if (.not. found) stop 1
if (.not. found) stop 1
call json%get("/users/"//istr//"/x_pos", x_pos, found)
call json%get(recv_users, "/users/"//istr//"/x_pos", x_pos, found)
if (.not. found) stop 1
if (.not. found) stop 1
call json%get("/users/"//istr//"/y_pos", y_pos, found)
call json%get(recv_users, "/users/"//istr//"/y_pos", y_pos, found)
if (.not. found) stop 1
if (.not. found) stop 1
call json%get("/users/"//istr//"/username", username, found)
call json%get(recv_users, "/users/"//istr//"/username", username, found)
if (.not. found) stop 1
if (.not. found) stop 1
if (allocated(players)) then
if (allocated(players)) then
@ -153,8 +165,12 @@ contains
color(apperance_r, apperance_g, apperance_b, 255))]
color(apperance_r, apperance_g, apperance_b, 255))]
end if
end if
end do
end do
end if
nullify (recv_users)
call json%destroy()
call json%destroy()
rc = tcp_close(connection, -1_c_int64_t)
end function send_packet
end function send_packet
! from ivanpribec ``
! from ivanpribec ``
@ -407,28 +407,28 @@ module raylib
subroutine disable_cursor() bind(c, name="DisableCursor")
subroutine disable_cursor() bind(c, name="DisableCursor")
end subroutine disable_cursor
end subroutine disable_cursor
function is_key_pressed(key) result (res) bind(c, name="IsKeyPressed")
function is_key_pressed(key) result(res) bind(c, name="IsKeyPressed")
import :: c_int
import :: c_int
import :: c_bool
import :: c_bool
logical(c_bool) :: res
logical(c_bool) :: res
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: key
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: key
end function is_key_pressed
end function is_key_pressed
function is_key_down(key) result (res) bind(c, name="IsKeyDown")
function is_key_down(key) result(res) bind(c, name="IsKeyDown")
import :: c_int
import :: c_int
import :: c_bool
import :: c_bool
logical(c_bool) :: res
logical(c_bool) :: res
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: key
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: key
end function is_key_down
end function is_key_down
function is_key_released(key) result (res) bind(c, name="IsKeyReleased")
function is_key_released(key) result(res) bind(c, name="IsKeyReleased")
import :: c_int
import :: c_int
import :: c_bool
import :: c_bool
logical(c_bool) :: res
logical(c_bool) :: res
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: key
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: key
end function is_key_released
end function is_key_released
function is_key_up(key) result (res) bind(c, name="IsKeyUp")
function is_key_up(key) result(res) bind(c, name="IsKeyUp")
import :: c_int
import :: c_int
import :: c_bool
import :: c_bool
logical(c_bool) :: res
logical(c_bool) :: res
@ -483,5 +483,10 @@ module raylib
type(vector2), intent(in), value :: size
type(vector2), intent(in), value :: size
type(color), intent(in), value :: col
type(color), intent(in), value :: col
end subroutine draw_plane
end subroutine draw_plane
function get_time() result(res) bind(c, name="GetTime")
import :: c_double
real(c_double) :: res
end function get_time
end interface
end interface
end module
end module
@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ program main
call ipaddr_str(addr, address_string)
call ipaddr_str(addr, address_string)
print *, 'New connection from '//trim(address_string)
print *, 'New connection from '//trim(address_string)
connection = suffix_attach(connection, TCP_SUFFIX, 2_c_size_t)
connection = suffix_attach(connection, TCP_SUFFIX, 2_c_size_t)
print *, 'connected'
message_size = mrecv(connection, message, msglen, -1_c_int64_t)
message_size = mrecv(connection, message, msglen, -1_c_int64_t)
print *, message_size
call c_f_string(message, jsn_string)
call c_f_string(message, jsn_string)
@ -73,20 +75,20 @@ program main
call json%destroy()
call json%destroy()
if (command .eq. 0) then ! get all logged in users and return their positions to client
if (command .eq. 0) then ! get all logged in users and return their positions to client
rc = db_get_logged_in_users(db, connection)
else if (command .eq. 1) then
else if (command .eq. 1) then
rc = db_login_user(db, username)
rc = db_login_user(db, username)
rc = db_get_logged_in_users(db, connection)
else if (command .eq. 3) then ! update new pos to database
else if (command .eq. 3) then ! update new pos to database
rc = db_move_user(db, username, x_pos, y_pos)
rc = db_move_user(db, username, x_pos, y_pos)
rc = db_get_logged_in_users(db, connection)
else ! (2) if logout update logged_in to database
else ! (2) if logout update logged_in to database
rc = db_logout_user(db, username)
rc = db_logout_user(db, username)
rc = db_get_logged_in_users(db, connection)
exit server_loop
exit server_loop
end if
end if
rc = db_get_logged_in_users(db, connection)
rc = tcp_close(connection, -1_c_int64_t)
end do server_loop
end do server_loop
rc = tcp_close(connection, -1_c_int64_t)
rc = db_close(db)
rc = db_close(db)
@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ module db
use iso_fortran_env
use iso_fortran_env
use iso_c_binding
use iso_c_binding
use json_module
use json_module
use mod_dill, only: ipaddr, ipaddr_remote, IPADDR_IPV4, mrecv, msend, tcp_connect, &
use mod_dill, only: msend, suffix_attach, suffix_detach
use :: sqlite3
use :: sqlite3
implicit none
implicit none
@ -145,6 +144,7 @@ contains
!! Prints number of courses per student to standard output.
!! Prints number of courses per student to standard output.
type(db_type), intent(inout) :: db
type(db_type), intent(inout) :: db
integer(c_int), intent(inout) :: connection
integer(c_int), intent(inout) :: connection
character(len=*), parameter :: TCP_SUFFIX = c_carriage_return // c_new_line // c_null_char
character(len=:), allocatable :: str
character(len=:), allocatable :: str
type(json_value), pointer :: root, users, user
type(json_value), pointer :: root, users, user
@ -198,8 +198,12 @@ contains
call json%add(root, users)
call json%add(root, users)
call json%serialize(root, str)
call json%serialize(root, str)
print *, 'sending users'
call json%print(root)
rc = msend(connection, f_c_string(str, .true.), &
rc = msend(connection, f_c_string(str, .true.), &
transfer(Len_Trim(f_c_string(str, .true.)), 0_c_size_t), -1_c_int64_t)
transfer(Len_Trim(f_c_string(str, .true.)), 0_c_size_t), -1_c_int64_t)
call json%destroy()
call json%destroy()
rc = sqlite3_finalize(stmt)
rc = sqlite3_finalize(stmt)
@ -215,7 +219,7 @@ contains
"UPDATE users SET logged_in = 1 WHERE users.username = ?;", stmt)
"UPDATE users SET logged_in = 1 WHERE users.username = ?;", stmt)
call db_error(rc, 'sqlite3_prepare_v2()')
call db_error(rc, 'sqlite3_prepare_v2()')
rc = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, username)
rc = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, username(:Len_Trim(username)))
call db_error(rc, 'sqlite3_bind_text()')
call db_error(rc, 'sqlite3_bind_text()')
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt)
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt)
Reference in New Issue