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2022-09-03 23:35:42 -04:00
#include "recordio.h"
unsigned char readbyte(int fp);
char pbuf[512]; // print buffer
int eof = 1; // flag for end of file
// FUNCTION rio_open:
// If create is requested, open both the data file and the index file with O CREAT.
// If O RDONLY or O RDWR is requested, make sure that the index file is present and return an error otherwise.
// const char* pathname : the path of the file to open
// int flags : the type of open
// mode_t mode : file permissions
// int16_t encodefd(int d1, int d2)
// printb(unsigned n) : for debugging
int rio_open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode)
int d, d1o, d2o; // output file descriptor
char *name_extention = ".rinx."; // all index files must start with this
char *index_filename = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(name_extention) + strlen(pathname))); // allocate space for the index filename
unsigned char byte; // storage as to read in byte by byte
int record_position = 0;
int n, buff; // counters
record_descriptor rd; // record descriptor
buff = 0; // set the initial buffer size
int d1, d2;
strcat(index_filename, name_extention); // construct the index filename
strcat(index_filename, pathname);
int index_tester = open(index_filename, O_RDONLY);
if (index_tester > 0)
int datafile_tester = open(pathname, O_RDONLY);
if (datafile_tester > 0)
{ // the file doesnt exist
d1 = open(pathname, flags, mode); // open the data file
if (d1 < 0)
{ // error check
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s because of %s\n", pathname, strerror(5));
return -1;
d2 = open(index_filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777);
if (d2 < 0)
{ // error check
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s because of %s\n", pathname, strerror(5));
return -1;
d = encodefd(d1, d2); // encrypt file descriptor
return d;
d1 = open(pathname, flags, mode); // open the data file
if (d1 < 0)
{ // error check
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s because of %s\n", pathname, strerror(5));
return -1;
if (index_tester < 0)
{ // check if index file doesnt exist
d2 = open(index_filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777);
if (d2 < 0)
{ // error check
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s because of %s\n", pathname, strerror(5));
return -1;
while (eof)
{ // read until end of file
byte = readbyte(d1); // read in 1 byte
if (eof == 0)
{ // check to see if you are at the end of file
if (buff > 0)
{ // if the buffer is nonzero then we have a file which doesnt end in an endl
rd.position = record_position - buff; // record position
rd.length = buff; // record length
n = write(d2, &rd, sizeof(record_descriptor)); // write the record descriptor
if (n < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "create index eof: %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
}; // error checking
eof = 1;
break; // we are at the end of file
record_position += sizeof(byte); // increase bytecount
buff += sizeof(byte); // increase bytecount
if (byte == '\n')
{ // check if the byte is an endline
rd.position = record_position - buff; // record position
rd.length = buff; // record length
n = write(d2, &rd, sizeof(record_descriptor)); // write the record descriptor
if (n < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "create index norm: %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
}; // error checking
buff = 0; // reset the buffer
goto ret; // This goes back to the top of the function if the file doesn't exist so that the file is created and opened correctly
{ // file exists
d2 = open(index_filename, O_RDWR, 0777);
if (d2 < 0)
{ // error check
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s because of %s\n", pathname, strerror(5));
return -1;
d = encodefd(d1, d2); // encrypt file descriptor
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("d1_in = ");
printf("d2_in = ");
printf("d = ");
printf("d1_out = ");
d1o = decodedfd(d);
printf("d2_out = ");
d2o = decodeifd(d);
return d;
// FUNCTION rio_read:
// Allocate a buffer large enough to hold the requested buffer,
// read the next record and return the pointer to the allocated area.
// The I/O result should be returned through the return value argument.
// int fd : the file descriptor
// int * return_value : the record in the index file to read
// int8_t decodeifd(int16_t d)
// int8_t decodedfd(int16_t d)
void *rio_read(int fd, int *return_value)
void *buffer; // the buffer to be returned
int index_fd, data_fd; // file descriptors
int r; // read error checker
record_descriptor rd; // record descriptor
index_fd = decodeifd(fd); // decrypt index file descriptor
data_fd = decodedfd(fd); // decrypt data file descriptor
r = read(index_fd, &rd, sizeof(rd)); // read in the record
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_read (index): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return NULL;
}; // error check
int position = rd.position; // the position of the data in the datafile
int length = rd.length; // the size of the data block
buffer = (void *)malloc(length); // allocate buffer memory
int r1 = read(data_fd, buffer, length); // read in the data to the buffer
if (r1 < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_read (data)%s\n", strerror(EIO));
return NULL;
}; // error check
*return_value = r1; // The I/O result should be returned through the return value argument.
return buffer; // return the pointer to the allocated area.
// FUNCTION rio_write:
// If appending to the file, create a record descriptor and fill-in the values.
// Write the descriptor to the index file and the supplied data to the data file for the requested length.
// If updating a record, read the record descriptor, check to see if the new record fits in the allocated area and rewrite.
// Return an error otherwise.
// int fd : the file descriptor
// const void *buf : the buffer to be written
// int count : requested length
// int8_t decodeifd(int16_t d)
// int8_t decodedfd(int16_t d)
int rio_write(int fd, const void *buf, int count)
int index_fd, data_fd; // file descriptors
int r, w, data_w; // read error checker
record_descriptor rd; // record descriptor
index_fd = decodeifd(fd); // decrypt index file descriptor
data_fd = decodedfd(fd); // decrypt data file descriptor
r = read(index_fd, &rd, sizeof(rd)); // read in the record
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_write (read index [to check if record_descriptor exists]): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
}; // error check
if (r > 0)
int length = rd.length; // the size of the data block
if (length < count)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_write: %s\n", strerror(ENOMEM));
return -1;
{ // we are at the end of the index file || file is empty
int check = lseek(index_fd, 0, SEEK_END); // check to see if the file is empty (newly created)
if (check > 0)
{ // normal case
lseek(index_fd, -sizeof(record_descriptor), SEEK_END);
r = read(index_fd, &rd, sizeof(rd)); // read in the record
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_write (read index to make new record_descriptor): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
}; // error check
int position = rd.position; // the position of the data in the datafile
int length = rd.length; // the size of the data block
rd.position = position + length;
rd.length = count;
{ // special case for empty file
rd.position = 0;
rd.length = count;
w = write(index_fd, &rd, sizeof(record_descriptor));
if (w < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_write (write index): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
}; // error check
lseek(data_fd, rd.position, SEEK_SET); // seek to position in data file
data_w = write(data_fd, buf, count);
if (data_w < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_write (write data): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
}; // error check
return data_w;
rd.length = count;
lseek(index_fd, -sizeof(record_descriptor), SEEK_CUR);
w = write(index_fd, &rd, sizeof(record_descriptor));
if (w < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_write (write index): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
}; // error check
data_w = write(data_fd, buf, count);
if (data_w < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_write (write data): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
}; // error check
return w;
// FUNCTION rio_lseek:
// Seek both files to the beginning of the requested record so that the next I/O is performed at the requested position.
// whence assumes the same values as lseek whence argument.
// int fd : the file descriptor
// int offset : the offset of the index file
// int whence : the "mode" of the seek
// int8_t decodeifd(int16_t d)
// int8_t decodedfd(int16_t d)
int rio_lseek(int fd, int offset, int whence)
int index_fd, data_fd; // file descriptors
int s1, s2, r; // error values
record_descriptor rd;
index_fd = decodeifd(fd); // decrypt index file descriptor
data_fd = decodedfd(fd); // decrypt data file descriptor
s1 = lseek(index_fd, (offset) * sizeof(record_descriptor), whence); // seek the index file to offset
r = read(index_fd, &rd, sizeof(rd)); // read in the record
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_lseek (SEEK_SET): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
}; // error check
s1 = lseek(index_fd, (offset) * sizeof(record_descriptor), whence); // seek back to the index file because you read it in the previous step
int position = rd.position; // the position of the data in the datafile
s2 = lseek(data_fd, position, SEEK_SET); // seek to the position in the datafile @position
return s1 / sizeof(record_descriptor);
// FUNCTION rio_close:
// Close both files.
// int fd : the file descriptor
// int8_t decodeifd(int16_t d)
// int8_t decodedfd(int16_t d)
int rio_close(int fd)
int index_fd, data_fd; // file descriptors
index_fd = decodeifd(fd); // decrypt index file descriptor
data_fd = decodedfd(fd); // decrypt data file descriptor
int r1 = close(data_fd);
if (r1 < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_close (datafile): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
int r2 = close(index_fd);
if (r2 < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "rio_close (indexfile): %s\n", strerror(EIO));
return -1;
return r1;
// FUNCTION encodefd:
// takes the file descriptor of both inputs and turns it into a single file descriptor
// int d1 : the data file descriptor
// int d2 : the index file descriptor
// none
int16_t encodefd(int d1, int d2)
int16_t d = (((d1 & 0xff) << 8) | (d2 & 0xff)); // 16 bit handle
return d;
// FUNCTION decodedfd:
// returns the data file descriptor
// int16_t d : the file descriptor
// none
int8_t decodedfd(int16_t d)
int8_t d1 = (d >> 8); // take the top 8 bits
return d1;
// FUNCTION decodeifd:
// returns the index file descriptor
// int16_t d : the file descriptor
// none
int8_t decodeifd(int16_t d)
int8_t d2 = (d & 0xff); // take the bottom 8 bits
return d2;
// FUNCTION printb:
// prints a 32 bit binary number
// unsigned : the number
// none
void printb(unsigned n)
unsigned i;
for (i = 1 << 31; i > 0; i = i / 2)
(n & i) ? printf("1") : printf("0");
// FUNCTION readbyte:
// reads 1 byte from stdin and does error checking
// none
// ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte)
// int fprintf(FILE * restrict stream, const char * restrict format, ...);
// char * strerror(int errnum);
unsigned char readbyte(int fp)
int r;
unsigned char byte;
r = read(fp, &byte, sizeof(byte));
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "readbyte: %s\n", strerror(EIO));
if (r == 0)
eof = 0;
return byte;