#lang reader "reader.rkt" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.---.+++++++. .+++.----------+++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.--------------------------------,.[,.]!World increments and decrements tape location 0 to write HELLO increments and decrements tape location 0 in the following way 79-10+3-72+32 = 32 {space} 32-32 = 0; {NULL} Reads {W} from input and then prints {W} Reads {o} from input and then prints {o} Reads {r} from input and then prints {r} Reads {l} from input and then prints {l} Reads {d} from input and then prints {d} Reads {NULL} from input and then breaks loop since tape location 0 is now {0} (then prints all of this text because it is after the '!')